• Looking from Gaywood crossing towards Lynn junction

Below you can find out a little more about some of the people presently involved in the campaign to reopen the Hunstanton railway.   If you would like to support the project in any way, please get in touch with our current Secretary — see details below.


Rigil Kent is a resident of Hunstanton and former Town Councillor.   He works for Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service and was a founder member of the rail campaign.
Georgina Turner is a school teacher now living near Ely — but she has visited Hunstanton all her life and her parents still live there.   She is a founder member of the campaign and set up the online petition.
Peter Risebrow is a lifelong railwayman who held many operational and commercial managerial roles, including Traffic Manager at King’s Lynn.   He retired a few years ago from Eurostar.   He is currently an advisor with the WisbechRail Consultative Group and a member of the Hereward Community Rail Partnership.
Andrew Murray has lived in Hunstanton since 1998 but already knew and loved the area before he moved here.   He is presently an elected member of the Hunstanton Town Council, Chairman of the Hunstanton and District Civic Society and assists with the Heritage Centre.
Howard Johnston lives in Hunstanton and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Transport and Logistics.   He has worked as a consultant and academic in the public transport sector for more than 50 years and regularly writes on the subject in a number of national publications.
Bob Edwards is a retired Project Engineer Capital Projects (M.Inst M & C Assoc IET) and a long-standing member of RAILFUTURE (and was their former publicity officer). He is currently involved in engineering appraisals for numerous rail re-instatement projects.
John Maiden is Hunstanton born and bred.   Now retired, he spent 40 years in education and journalism and has written a weekly comment column for the Lynn News since 2010.   He was a Hunstanton Town Councillor 2010–2015 and founder member of Hunstanton Civic Society in 2002.
Jennie Ellis-Edwards: Recently retired from her own seamstress business, she now dedicates her time to her favourite campaigns!   She has also been involved in other rail campaign groups.
Richard Morrish is a landscape architect and environmental planner from King’s Lynn and originally joined the group to represent King’s Lynn Civic Society — who also support the campaign to re-open the railway line.


If you would like to join our campaign, please get in touch with any of the above members or the group secretary please e-mail email hidden; JavaScript is required